Sportif International 2018 Report from Fudoshin Judo Club
The Fudoshin Judo Club team attended the Sportif International competition and training camp in London, UK at Easter. After good results at Irish Open in cadets division we were looking forward to testing our team at a higher international level. The Fudoshin team consisted of seven judoka in five weight categories. U60 Alex Karabin started a tournament by losing to the future bronze medalist from England. He won a second match with a hold-down but unfortunately lost in the third round. Steven Vanukevich competed in the U66 category and once again this year got himself to the podium with a bronze medal winning five matches and only losing to a Frenchman in the semi final by a disputed hansoke make for escaping from uchi-mata. Anthony Vanukevich represented a club in U73 category for the first time in his career on the international event. He won 4 matches and lost his semi-final match by waza ari to a Portuguese finishing with a bronze medal. Dylan Nevin and Tomas Kacenauskas competed in the U81 category. They lost two fights each but gained valuable international experience. In the O90 category, Kevinas Ramoska had three confidence wins by ippon over an English judoka but got caught with uchimata-sukashi counter to a Frenchman finishing with a silver medal. After the competition our club took part in two days training camp which was very well organised with a large randori volume and some technical practice delivered by well-known judo experts.