National Grading Registration – Close Date 13th June 2019 5pm
Please note the National Grading Registration will be closed at 5pm on Thursday the 13th June 2019, please ensure you register on time.
We are aware that some individuals are having some technical difficulties so please note the following:
1. The grading registration form & link is not visible to all mobile devices ie phones & tablets, this is tied into the security of each individual device and the two step security authentication system in place that protects data regarding Debit/Credit card details used by our payment provider. We must protect customer’s data at all times, so the security steps in place from our payments provider is of paramount importance.
2. Please use another device ie Laptop or PC to register yourself for the National Grading Registration if you encounter the problem above.
3. Please do not leave any technical issues unreported to the Judo Office in advance of Thursday the 13th June at 5pm, any queries raised after that cannot be entertained and will not allow for manual registration on the day of the National Grading.
4. We will endeavor to work with our webmaster to see if there is a solution to the above that we can implement prior to the next National Grading in October 2019.