Graduation – Aspire Programme Sport Ireland
On Friday we marked the end of the Aspire Graduate Programme for Irish Judo sponsored by Sport Ireland which was made possible through Dormant Account Funding. Our Aspire Graduate Carrie O’Keeffe completed her 11 month term with us and today she graduated at a reception held by Sport Ireland.
The last 11 months has flown by with Carrie providing unique support to our Women in Sport Programme chaired by Antoinette Earl. Carrie was instrumental in the production of the Strategic Plan 2021-2026 and offered vital administration support with regards to the review of our major corporate policies to include the Governance Code. It has been a busy year off the mat as the Irish Judo Association looked to maintain the core structures of the organisation as our judoka waited patiently to gt back on the mat.
Carrie has been an integral part of the Judo Office team and we congratulate her on her graduation.