The entry for the Munster Open 2023 is now closed, please find attached Munster Open 2023 Entries.
Thank you so much for entering the Munster Open this year. It’s our first time running since 2014 so a couple of important things to note.
- Firstly, be respectful to all volunteers and referees on the day. This is the first time the event is happening and without volunteers, it is not possible.
- Secondly, the location can be found by looking for Cork City Judo Club and not Colaíste Chríost Rí. Click this link for a Google Map to the location.
- Please check all the information entered for your players is correct, it will make sure the competition runs smoothly e.g weight category and age bracket (cadet/pre-cadet). Some players were moved due to this being incorrect.
- For Minors, if the category exceeded 6 players, it was split into two categories either by Age or Grade e.g Minor Boys U30. This is to promote the development of minors and give them more than a minimum of two fights. These categories are highlighted in yellow.
Any queries on this event should be sent to Tim Kelly
Best of luck everyone!